Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Final Weekly Review & Overall Project Reflection

  1. My SMART goal was: I will use my reusable bags 100% of the time when I go to the grocery stores, Walmart, and Target. I achieved my goal this week.
  2. I was successful because I kept my reusable bags in my car at all times and I took them with me when ever I went shopping.
  3. I felt like I accomplished something when I achieved my goal.
  4. I learned that it is not hard to bring reusable bags when I go shopping and it is nice when I don’t have plastic bags lying around at my house.
  5. At first my SMART goal was: I will drink 10 cups of water every day, 7 days a week. However, I felt like this goal was too easy for me so I changed it to: I will use my reusable bags 100% of the time when I go to the grocery stores, Walmart, and Target.
  6. It really helped when I had my reusable water bottle with me at all times. I was constantly drinking water. Also, I had my reusable bags in my car at all times so I remembered to take them whenever I went shopping.
  7. Some benefits from this project are that I am drinking more water now and I am using reusable bags whenever I go shopping. I learned about myself, that I am able to change my habits and achieve new goals. I learned about behavior change, that if you want to make a change it is possible, maybe not the first week but eventually you will be able to change your habits.
  8. The environment benefits from both of my changes because I am not going to buy plastic bottles anymore and I am not going to use plastic bags anymore.
  9. I will continue this behavior because I need to keep drinking enough water throughout the day and I want to be more eco-friendly and not buy plastic bottles or bags.
  10. A lifestyle change will make you feel better about yourself and it can also save the environment.


  1. Wow, I'm impress that you were able to do two goals! I think using reusable bags could also be something that I need change too. I always forget to bring my reusable bags but if you keep your bags in your car to make it handy I think that is a great way to achieve that goal. I want to try that!

  2. I love your updated SMART goal! I am jealous I did not do something like that. When I go to the grocery store I use the brown paper bags but I still get frustrated because they are not very durable. I am going to follow your lead by purchasing recyclable bags. I have always wanted to just never had time. When I go to the grocery store I like to be in and out but next time I know something that will be added to my list! Great job in meeting 2 SMART goals!

  3. I'm glad to hear you achieved your goal! It seems like it would be really easy for people to just bring a re-usable bag whenever they go shopping but I think it can be hard to remember (or people are just lazy). So really, this is pretty impressive. I know I always forget to bring a re-usable bag but lately I've been making more of an effort to remember. Great job achieving 2 goals this semester!

  4. Amazing job with both your goals! I think that's its impressive that you can always remember your bags, I cannot remember mine for the life of me! I like that you said that your drinking more water out of your bottle too. Very eco-friendly Heidi!
