Friday, October 8, 2010

Share & Voice: Environmental Tips- How To Go Green

I found this little video from Youtube, called Environmental Tips- How To Go Green. It is short but it includes good information with how you can help save our environment. It talks about recycling, using reuseable bags, using your own coffee mug, and using your own water bottle. I grew up recycling almost everything and I am still doing it. However, I should really start using reuseable bags when I go to the grocery store. I have those bags at home but too many times I forget them and I need to ask for the plastic bag or paper bag. I don't buy water bottles from the store because I use my own water bottle.
These are small things, but if everyone would make better choices we would be able to save our environment.
You can watch the video here:


  1. This has some good advice! I am addicted to coffee and drink a lot of it, so I should really start to bring my own mug in or something. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I really like how the website has the tab 'Green Schools Program.' As a future health educator, I am always searching for preventative steps that may be taken to reduce or change a behavior, what better way to help sustain our earth than to teach young individuals about what's happening and how they can help adapt greener behaviors!

  3. This is such a great post! Its so informational and very helpful.

  4. This site looks very resourceful. I am like you when it comes to using the reusable bags. I have a ton of them,but I always forget to bring them. I try and put them in my car so it will maybe help me remember.

  5. Since my trip to Australia recently I have started using reuseable bags there because it is a norm there. EVERYONE does it. I wish this is something we could see more in the U.S.

  6. I am like you when it comes to reusable bags. I always tell myself I am going to use them, but end up forgetting to bring them with! I have started hanging them on my door so I can't miss them before I leave.
