Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reflection 9-12 weeks

Reflection 9-12 weeks
These past couple weeks we watched a lot of documents. I don’t usually like to watch videos in class, but these documents taught me a lot about different issues related to the environment. We learned about what is advocacy in Health Education and we did a little presentation about it. I really like to do the eco-chic lifestyle change. My SMART goal was to drink more water and only use my reusable water bottle. During these past weeks I haven’t bought bottled water and I am going to continue to use my reusable water bottle to help save our environment from plastic bottles. Another thing we did was find out our political representatives from our home town. I think it was really interesting to find out who are the political representatives in my town because I didn’t know them before. One of our advocacy projects was to pick one HealthyPeople 2010 goal in which we are interested and then we used THOMAS to find related bills. I think that was pretty cool to learn how to do that. Overall, I have learned a lot these past few weeks and I have been able to change a couple of my habits to be more eco-friendly which has been great.


  1. I also thought this section of the course was really beneficial and that we learned a lot. I also really liked the Eco-chic lifestyle change. I also have not bought any bottled water,good thing it was our goal :) Learning about our representatives was also a really interesting thing.

  2. This quarter of the class as been really helpful. I really enjoyed the documentaries as well. I liked learning about our political representatives too. I am not real big in politics, but it was interesting to learn a little more on them.

  3. This portion we definitely switched gears a little bit, we got to become involved ourselves now, not just watching videos...we actually took part in making a difference.

  4. I agree that we learned a lot the past few weeks. There was a lot of informational things that we had the benefit of learning about. I have also made a conscious effort to stop buying water out of a plastic bottle! Our goals have really contributed to this and helped us to not only better ourselves but the environment as well.

  5. I also thought that the advocacy project was interesting. I think that it taught everyone a lot, not very many people get the opportunity to learn about the government like that. It's great that you stuck to your goal of not drinking any bottled water! Way to go!
